cargo Documentation

C ARGument Obtainer. An easy and powerful command line parser written in C.


cargo is a C library for parsing command line arguments. A superior alternative to getopt.

The main design principles:

  • Portability:
    Written in C89 for maximum portability to all platforms. Verified to work on Linux, OS X and Windows. The goal is to support as many platforms as possible.

  • No dependencies:
    cargo requires no external dependencies except the standard C library.

  • Drop in:
    cargo consists of cargo.c and cargo.h which contains everything needed, including an example program, unit tests and the lib itself. This is to make it as easy as possible to include in any project.

  • Simple API:
    The API has been heavily inspired by Python argparse and other dynamic languages' command line parsing.

  • Test suite:
    The goal is to stay above 90% test coverage.